

Down .5 lb today. Not too shabby I guess. Better than nothing, right? I of course with it was more, but considering the fact that I was barely even trying, I'll take what I can get.

Kitten update is that the sneezing and coughing is minimal. I think I mentioned this yesterday, but I tried to pay a lot of attention last night, and while it's still present, the frequency is much less. Shelby is playful as ever, but Spike is pretty sedate right now, except when I try to shove a pill down his throw, or smear goo in his eyes. Speaking of his eyes: he's still not opening them much. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe his eyes are just going to be stuck shut. It also doesn't help that he is scratching his eyes. I think that when I drop the poo off at the vet tomorrow, I will ask them if there's anything I can do? Is there a neck cone in his future? I'm really not trying to be paranoid. This sucks. Also trying to figure out the best way to get individual samples. I guess that I will just separate them tonight? Listen to them cry all night long? This is awful.

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