
They're going to hate me.

The cats, I'm afraid, are going to hate me with all these doctor visits. On the other hand, at least they won't be dead, right? I took Spike in this morning, and the doctor confirmed an upper respiratory infection. More medicine for Spike: amoxycillin (pink liquid form) and eye drops. So, we're up to 1/2 turn of the supplement he gave me the first time, .7 mL of Albon once a day, and .4 mL of amoxycillin twice a day, plus the eye drops once a day.

I'm concerned, as any good mother should be, but I'm not really worried. They are both still eating, and drinking. They are both sleeping and playing. Their behavior isn't changed and they aren't lethargic or acting weird. Of course they're young so I don't want to let things get out of hand, but we're going to be ok. My bank account, on the other hand, may not be.

It's really pathetic taking them to the doctor, and more precisely, separating them. They cry and cry and cry. Spike cried all the way to the vet, and the entire time we were waiting. And when I went home I heard Shelby crying right away.

At least they have each other when they realize I'm an evil lady who takes them places to get thermometers shoved up their butts, and syringes shoved down their throats. And lets not forget those horrid eye drops . "Just grab the skin on their necks like their mother would do..." except she wouldn't drop anything into their eyes!

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