
I like to make lists (not that I ever follow them)

Well, the bad news of the day is that the scale didn't move. Or, more accurately, it didn't move DOWN. It went up by .5. I'm really not pleased with this current trend, and I am mad at myself because I know I have not been doing my very best. Still, I did better this week. And next week I will do even better. Jack has promised to take walks with me, so that will be something at least. So, this week's weight-loss related goals are as follows:

  1. Walk at least 3 nights.
  2. Make better choices when eating out.
  3. Track EVERYTHING.
  4. Drink lots of water.
  5. Measure, Measure, Measure.

I'm taking off early tomorrow after my 10:30 meeting (which is hopefully rather short). I have to have the kittens to the vet by about 4:30, so I will have some time to do a few things. These are as follows:

  1. Clean the kitchen.
  2. Have a sensible lunch.
  3. Change the bed sheets.
  4. Clean the pink bathroom.
  5. Collect cat poop.
  6. Wrangle the cats into their carrier(s).

Maybe if I actually made physical lists and put them around my house, I'd actually get things done. But, probably, I would just have to have a list about making lists, hanging those lists, checking off those lists, and throwing away the lists that I put up and then ignored.

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