
Paranoia and Petsmart.

So, the first thing that I want to talk about, is that just because I seem emotional right now, just because I don't feel well, just because I'm drinking water at a Halloween get-together, just because I'm not smoking, none of these things mean I'm pregnant.  (for the record, I'm worried about the grammar in that sentence, but you get my point, so whatever.)  BUT.  Everytime someone says it, it makes me a little more paranoid, so I start counting days, and overanalyzing every little feeling I have.  The odds are like, maybe .01%.  So please, for my sanity, and the sanity of all women around us, don't say the p word unless you know someone is trying.  Yes I'm 28.  Yes I'm married.  Yes I want children.  Someday.  All of my symptoms can be contributed to other legitimate causes.  AND, I've gone this long without getting pregnant so I guess I'm doing something right.  Or I'm horribly infertile.

Enough of that.

I went to Petsmart today.  I was going to get a few cat related things to be prepared should some kittens fall in our lap in the very near future.  My dad ended up pissing me off, and then I got confused so I didn't get anything, but I did come across 2 adorable kittens.  Jack and I are going back tomorrow morning to see about adopting them.  I'm trying not to get too excited until I have them in my hands and in our house.  I will update as I know more.  Right now, I want night to come so I can go to sleep and wake up and find out if it's a possibility or not.  Jack says to me "you aren't a five year old, you can handle this."  

But today, I'm definitely a 5 year old.  

Who needs to go drano her shower.

And do some cleaning and some other house work.

Just in case her attention needs to be placed elsewhere tomorrow.

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