
Appointment Update

So, we're upping Spike's medicines, and he goes back on Friday. Which mean's an early escape from the family. Sort of having mixed feelings about that, but it's also Jack's birthday so I'm sure he'll be glad to come home a little earlier.

So, Spike has ulcers in both eyes. The doctor said whatever is going on is probably viral. Which means no real cure. Just treatment and maybe the symptoms will run their course. He might have chronic eye problems. There's no good test for the herpes virus, and the other viral work ups will cost a lot of money and provide nothing more than a potential diagnosis. Because the other cat has already been exposed to whatever it is, and I guess as long as I don't bring any other cats into the house, there's no real point to knowing because again, there's no real treatment other than to monitor and react to the presenting symptoms.

He's still eating, drinking, and playing. He gained 7 ounces in 5 days. But he may have chronic eye problems (can't wait to deal with this for the next 20 years), he may go blind. It seems the biggest concern is perforation, which from what I gather means that the ulcers will eat through his eyes. Lovely.

Oh well. I love them, they're my babies, and I'll do what I have to do. It just sucks, and I feel bad for them, and I want them to be happy and healthy. The pain in the ass related to all these vet appointments, and getting clawed trying to give them various medications, and the cost of the appointments and medications are all secondary, really. I'll do what I need to do, I just wish I didn't have to for their sakes.

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