

This will be a short one, probably. So, you know how it took me three days to read Twilight? Well, Saturday afternoon my sister bought me the second in the series: New Moon. Sunday, I got up and read it some, messed around some, read some more, had some lunch, raked for a few hours (and boy am I feeling it now). It's a hard book to put down.
You might be wondering why I've put a picture up of the third book in the series, Eclipse. Well, guys, that would be because I finished the second book before dinner on Sunday and grabbed the third installment when I went to the grocery store.
I'm almost halfway through.
It may seem that I have no life, seeing as how I'm reading these books in 2 to 3 days. That isn't the case though. First, they aren't that hard to read, and they tell a decent story that sucks you in. Second, when I find something I like to read, I make time to read it. I've watched very little TV over the last week. If it's been on at all, it's mostly background, or Jack, Spike or Shelby is watching whatever is on (by the way, Shelby was mesmerized by Christina Aguilera's AMA performance last night).
Third, even with all of this reading, I did most of my housework (what didn't get done wouldn't have gotten done, book or no book, so that doesn't really count). I went to a long lunch with a friend, I went shopping with my sister, I went out with my friends, I kept the kittens' medicine schedule straight, I raked and leaf-blowed, and hauled piles of leaves to the curb, I went grocery shopping, I cooked dinner, AND I cleaned out the fridge.
So there.

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