
Cookie Success

Last night, I made russian tea cakes (also know, I think, as mexican wedding cookies). They're really simple to make. I'm not the biggest fan of them, but I hear they are good, so that's enough for me. I didn't burn them, although they did get a little brown. The recipe says not to let them brown, but the bottoms, well, they browned a little. They are so covered in powdered sugar that you'd never know, so that'll be our little secret. ha.

Also, I decided to whip up some chocolate chip cookie dough, and try to redeem myself. I only made one tray of them, and will save the dough for tonight maybe. I cooked them at 350 instead of 375, and guess what! They turned out perfectly, just the way I wanted them.

I'm not a failure after all!

1 comment:

the baron said...

the baron says, 'yum'.