
Boo, Monday.

Monday is not my friend. Never has been, doubtful it ever will be. Today I am tired, groggy and freezing my toes off. I had this dream, where I had something really warm AND work appropriate to wear, but I never got to work because my idiot neighbor who is old and REALLY annoying wanted a ride to his job. Apparently, he was senile and couldn't remember where he worked.

When I woke up this morning, I was excited to have something really warm to wear. And then I realized I wasn't quite that lucky. Oh well. But still, I'm freezing. Dad says wear warmer shoes. To that I say, "Then buy me some!"

Anyway, Monday. I'm getting sick, my bank account is empty, and I'm freezing.

AND, I just read an article about a 70 year old worman who just gave birth to a baby, having used IVF, followed by an article about the risks of delaying motherhood. I'm really not a fan of the part where it says that fertility decreases by 30. They say, too, that women put too much faith in IVF. Also, I was talking to my dad, and we were talking about teenaged drivers, and I said he could teach my kids (after all, he teaches 18 year olds how to drive fire trucks), but as it turns out, assuming I had children right now, he'd be well into his seventies. What?? I told him I didn't want to talk about my kids being 16. I haven't quite adjusted to the fact that I'm not 16.

Where does time go? And do I really need to hop on the baby train so soon? Is it really getting to be that time? And how do I convince my husband of this? Wait. How do I convince myself?

Ok. Maybe this is a bit of an over-reaction. I've still got almost two years until I'm 30. But still, all of this talk about advanced maternal age and stuff is rather frightening. And so, what if I wait until I'm 30, and then find out something is wrong, and get set back even more? Bleh. See the kinds of things I obsess over?

Anyway, I hate Mondays.

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