The year, as I remember it (and I'm not know for great recall) came in quietly. These last 12 months have seen the loss of thirty pounds (I could have done better, but sometimes life gets in the way); we tore out our old kitchen and put in a new one (that is not quite finished, but is still one thousand times better than it's predecessor); our first anniversary passed quietly but happily and we're settling into the routine of married life and home ownership.
Our summer vacations were spent at weddings and we wish our friends and our family the happiness and contentment that we have found. New babies have arrived, and new ones are on the way. Congratulations to all of you.
We lost a beloved family member, who is sorely missed and added 2 kittens to our own family.
Friendships have warmed and others have cooled. For this cooling I am sad, but this is how things go.
And how could I even begin to forget the new chapter in our country's history. For the first time in 8 years (and my political coming of age, so to speak) I have true hope that our new president will make a difference. For the first time since I've really cared, I've watched Obama and felt hopeful, excited, and happy that the person I voted for was elected. It will be a hard year, perhaps a very difficult 4 years. But if nothing else, it shows the country and the world that maybe we Americans really do have some brains among us. Please forgive me if I offend, but W didn't do much for me. Or anyone else as I can see it.
So. As this new year approaches, so suddenly I can hardly believe it, I am making plans. Well, more like solidifying plans. I plan no drastic resolutions, as they always fail. Instead I want to work toward things already in place. Basically, getting back on track, with house, with life, with getting healthier and moving forward. There is much in the way of improvements to be made, but nothing out of reach.
In this new year I will refocus my efforts on myself and my physical and mental health. I've learned a rather hard lesson (in my opinion) of drawing lines with friends in the past few months, and I'm taking this lesson to heart. It's no one person's fault as I see it, but just many small mistakes along the way. I will work better to be honest and to be a support, but I will not take the burden on as my own. And the only way to do this is to be firm in the drawing of said lines.
I will concentrate on eating better and exercising more and more consistently.
Although I am very happy in our marriage, I think more time can be made for us and we will get back to our nightly dinners and making time to do things together that are not specifically house related.
I am also learning how to budget and trying to figure out how we have plenty of money on paper but none in the bank. This is something that can be handled rather easily with a little discipline (something we both are lacking!)
And that, my friends, is what I have to say about that. The future is bright and the past is quickly fading into fond memories.